Polyglot solutions for www.projecteuler.net mathematical challenges
Dec 15, 2022 - Python
Elixir leverages the Erlang VM, known for running low-latency, distributed and fault-tolerant systems, while also being successfully used in web development, and the embedded software domain.
Polyglot solutions for www.projecteuler.net mathematical challenges
Make a lambda calculus.
My attempts at solving some of the excellent puzzles at adventofcode.com
In this project, we implemented a topic detection system on Twitter. This system reads tweets from a data stream and assigns them to one of the existing clusters or a new one. Each cluster acts as an agent, which makes the proposed approach a multi-agent system. There is also a coordinator, who monitors the whole system and coordinates the agent.
Sublime Text plugin to make development with Phoenix Framework better!
Trigger CWL workflows via GA4GH WES and TES
Advent of Code 2021 (Elixir + Pygame)
Enhanced (improved) Elixir syntax identifiers regexp for YouCompleteMe (vim plugin)
Programming Machine Learning book
May contain spoilers
ncm2 source for alchemist.vim plugin
A linter for lazy coders!
Sublime Text plugin for integration with the official Elixir Formatter.
A GraphQL server prototyped in many languages
Run any test from Sublime Text
Created by José Valim
Released September 8, 2014