Declarative components to represent control-flow and other useful
constructs in the [leptos
] web framework not directly
provided by default.
This crate provides 2 main components
For more usage examples, please refer to the respective components' documentation, but here's a taste.
use leptos::*;
use leptos_declarative::prelude::*;
let (a, _) = create_signal(cx, true);
let (b, _) = create_signal(cx, false);
view! { cx,
<If signal=a>
<Then>"A is true!"</Then>
<ElseIf signal=b>"B is true!"</ElseIf>
<Else>"Both A and B are false!"</Else>
use leptos::*;
use leptos_declarative::prelude::*;
struct PortalId;
view! { cx,
<h1>"Portal goes here!"</h1>
<PortalOutput id=PortalId />
<Portal id=PortalId>
<p>"I went through the portal!"</p>