Proof-of-concept block chain implementation in Java
This project is a java POC implementation of a python basic block chain implementation
Build the block chain jar file using make.ps1 (on Windows) or (on Unix), this will create the jar file basic-blockchain.jar
Now run the following command:
java -jar basic-blockchain.jar
This will start the block chain node at http://localhost:3088
Now to run a second basic block chain node:
java -jar basic-blockchain.jar http://localhost:3088
This will start the second block chain node at http://localhost:3089 and uses the node at http://localhost:3088 as the seed node to broadcast its ip address.
The following api is available for the block chain:
- http://localhost:3088/mine: mine by running proof-of-work in the current node
- http://localhost:3088/nodes/resolve: achieve consensus in the block chain network by resolving conflicts
- http://localhost:3088/transactions/new: add a new transaction to the current node
- http://localhost:3088/chain: return the chain stored in the current node
- http://localhost:3088/nodes: return the list of nodes participating in the block chain