Ring Detection is a Python script that captures motion video from a ring device and identifies the moving object in the video.
Use the package manager pip to install imutils, moviepy, numpy, open-cv-contrib-python, ring-doorbell, and for email capabilities, yagmail and keyring.
pip3 install imutils
pip3 install moviepy
pip3 install numpy
pip3 install open-cv-contrib-python
pip3 install ring-doorbell
pip3 install yagmail
pip3 install keyring
To use, make sure to enter your Ring email and password in ring_video.py, as well as your G-Mail name and password in main.py.
Due to GitHub size restrictions, the YOLO weights file can not be uploaded. It can be downloaded here. Place that file in the yolo-coco subdirectory.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.