Gym environments for heterogeneous multi-agent reinforcement learning in non-stationary worlds
This repository's
branch is work in progress, pleasegit pull
frequently and feel free to open new issues for any undesired, unexpected, or (presumably) incorrect behavior. Thanks 🙏
Also see how to programmatically control real RoboMaster hardware (S1 UGV, Tello Talent UAV) in Python here
(optional) Create and access a Python 3.7 environment using conda
$ conda create -n recon python=3.7 # Create environment (named 'recon' here)
$ conda activate recon # Activate environment 'recon'
Clone and install the gym-marl-reconnaissance
$ git clone # Clone repository
$ cd gym-marl-reconnaissance # Enter the repository
$ pip install -e . # Install the repository
Set the parameters of the simulation environment
seed: -1
ctrl_freq: 2
pyb_freq: 30
gui: False
record: False
episode_length_sec: 30
action_type: 'task_assignment' # Alternatively, 'tracking'
obs_type: 'global'
reward_choice: 'reward_c'
adv_type: 'avoidant' # Alternatively, 'blind'
visibility_threshold: 12
edge: 10
obstacles: 0
tt: 1
s1: 1
adv: 2
neu: 1
debug: False
Step an environment with random action inputs
$ python3 ./experiments/ --random True
Step an environment with a greedy policy (only for task_assignment
$ python3 ./experiments/
Learn using stable-baselines3
$ python3 ./experiments/ --algo <a2c | ppo> --yaml <filname in ./experiments/configurations/>
Replay a trained agent
$ python3 ./experiments/ --exp ./results/exp--<algo>--<config>--<date>_<time>
Task assignment (1 UAV and 1 UGV vs 2 targets and 1 neutral)
Tracking (1 UAV or 1 UGV vs 1 target, with or without 1 neutral)
University of Toronto's Dynamic Systems Lab / Vector Institute / Mitacs